The donkey education
C -How can you manipulate its limbs?
As soon as the preceding stage is learned, your foal should become
accustomed to give its limbs calmly. It is essential:
- to clean its hoofs
- for the reassessing by the farrier
You will start to take the forelimbs. You have to be always positioned
against the animal and looking at the stern. Find your position
to have a good balance and to maintain the fore limb for a few minutes.
When you can do that perfectly with the forelimbs, you will do with
the hindlimb and will maintain the same position of your body against
the donkey.
The donkeys are very soft, but like any animal it can have unpredictable
reactions. You should never go behind him before saying and to make
a point to always be careful about an accidental kick.
When it will accept that this the farrier can come and you will
have no problem. If the farrier has a bad experience with the donkey,
he will change his opinion quickly.
To have a walk with your donkey: 