The "Asinerie du Bocage" has developed a
certain number of activities with the donkeys:
- a day to discover the donkey, for non-professional's or groups
with the possibilities of others activities according to your
request (ex: C.A.F de Lisieux ,
groupes scolaires...)
- education of your donkey
- instructions to excursions
- introduction to carting
- possibility to take exam for "Galop attelage de 1 à
8" (French carting qualification)
- educating your donkey for carting
- various activities at regional level
- rides for children
- for the arrival of Father Christmas
- wedding's
- numerous carting activities

The arrival of Father Christmas in Caen at the request
of the Tradesmen's union.
To find out more, please visit our website regularly, do not hesitate
in contact us for more details on our prices.
Instruction for excursions
When the weather is fine, what could be more pleasant
than rambling in the foot paths of the countryside with your donkey?
To help you to appreciate this activity, we offer you introductory
courses, one half-day (morning or afternoon) or one day, during
which the following activities will be included:
- education of the donkey
- advices to pack your donkey properly
- advices for all the precautions and safety points which
are necessary for excursion.
- mini-excursion in the afternoon to put the theoretical
advices into practice.
N.B.: If you prefer it is possible to come with your donkey,
your pack and all your equipment.
for a private course (one or two people):
- 50€
for one half-day
- 100€
for one day
If you like see, you can take advantage of hikes or harnessed ballad proposed by Pascale.
Introduction to carting
Discovering nature with your cart will bring you an
intense satisfaction; this leisure is more and more practised by
the equidaes's owners.
On the whole, the donkey consent's to pull a cart but it's better
for the donkey to have received a training course to practice this
That's why the "Asinerie du bocage" suggest to you day's
introduction to the carting to minimize mistakes and to give you
confidence with your donkey.
Au programme:
- safety regulations
- the language of the handler with his donkey
- training in driving with the model (donkey and cart)
- preparation of the donkey
- studying of morphology
- long-reining exercices
- discovering the parts of the harness
- Fitting and adjustment of harnessing
- driving a cart
- removing the cart and deharness
- etc...

With the model, you will learn how to handle
the guides with dexterity to be very soft with the mouth of
the donkey.
To work with long-reining allows you to drive the donkey and
teach him to respond to your instructions. |
To be safe, you must never drive without an assistant. |
To give you some idea of the class program, visit:
- 1st session: practical theory
and first applications
- 2nd session: training in long-reining,
2 and 4 wheels cart's.
for a private course (one or two people) :
- 50€
one half-day
- 100€
for one day
For this type of instruction an annual licence from the 'Fédération
Française de l'Equitation" is required (price 36 €
per person).
Here is an example of the required
licence completed, as well as the
coverage included in the insurance of the licence.
Education of the donkey for carting
Carting is a discipline extremely enjoyed by the
family, but requires the donkey to have a good education to
obtain the maximum satisfaction, and to avoid taking unnecessary
We thus propose to you, boarding the donkey with us to be able
to educate it in carting (single or double carting).
We will train it:
- to stay quite under all circumstance
- to respond to your instructions
- to stop and not move for a moment
- to cross obstacles which can be difficult for a donkey (grids
of sewer, markings on the ground...)
- to walk on a main road
price of 450
€ which includes:
- Your donkey(s)
at livery for one month
- educate
it in single carting
The minimum age to educate your donkey in carting is 18 months,
and it can be more difficult after 4 years. I have stallions in
the asinery, so for reasons of safety, I can accept only females
or donkeys gelded for the moment.
Carting courses to take exams for "Galops
attelage de 1 à 8" (French carting qualification
After introduction to carting, you can have carting course with
horses (because there's no exam with the donkeys) with a
teacher of the French Carting School to take the exams.
(ex: Galops attelage 1 to8 of Annick, Gilbert
et Cédric... )
With these exams you will be able to participate in competition
with horses or donkeys.
To find out more about classes in carting, please contact us.