The donkey education
B -can you do to help it to have confidence in
After few days, when it will be confident, it is necessary
to put a halter adapted to its size on him.
Before you begin walks, it is important to accustom your foal
to be tethered in its shelter or against a wall but not in
full sun or in draught.
Under no circumstances, tether it to a tree or a post
if it can go around it.
It's dangerous!!
Tether it, according to its height so that it can not put
its fore limb in its lead.
To start, you can tether it approximately 30 minutes and later
up to 2 hours.
If it is a little nervous the first day, it will be calm very
quickly and after about fifteen days, I can tell you even
nervous donkeys will become calm and will not feel in punishment.
For this education period, it is important to go to see it regularly
to reassure it with comforting caresses and words.
When your foal is very calm when tethered you can resume this operation
from time to time.
To manipulate the fore limbs and hind