Since the 1st January 2003, all equidae must have identification,
even if they stay in their field. This identification has to be
carried out by a veterinary surgeon approved by the National Stud
farms which will write out a card giving the details and description
of the animal.
However, for the donkey's breed, the identification
also requires the installation of a transponder in the left muscle
of the donkey's neck. A transponder is a tiny microchip containing
single code-bars. This very fast operation (a few seconds), and
completely painless will allow you to identify your donkey.
You have to know only the Cotentin donkey born from
recognized father and mother "Cotentin donkey" can obtain
an identification card with the appelation "Cotentin donkey
book B" to the birth.
The legislation oblige that the foal has been identified
under the mother before it is six months old, and at the latest
31st December of the year of its birth.
The veterinary surgeon will give you a provisional
certificate of the "foal's description" and you will receive
an origin card with four parts accompanied by a medicinal sheet.

First page's back.
The donkey's purchasers will have to detach the first
page and send it to SIRE under about a week, to change the name
of the owner and send with it a honour's
declaration property. You can get this document from the National
Stud farms.