Photographers Hubert&Klein Photos [1],[2], [3], [4], [5] Activities[1], [2], [3], [4] Press releases    


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Press releases

Journal du Calvados, Automn 2005.
Presse de la Manche [2] , July 4th, 2005. 6 Donkeys are sent to Canada. (french)
Presse de la Manche, July 5th, 2003. Article on this web site. (french)
, June 21th, 2003. Article on this web site. (french)
Agriculteur normand, June 19th, 2003. Article on this web site. (french)
Paris Normandie, July 2001 (french)
Ouest-France, June 17th, 2001 (french)
Salon du Cheval, 2000 (french)
Equimag, August-September 1999 (french)
La Voix Le Bocage, July 1999 (french)
Le Figaro Magazine, October 1998 (french)
Ouest France, July 1998 (french)
Liberté, July 1998 (french)
L'Agriculteur Normand, June 25th, 1998 (french)
L'Agriculteur Normand, June 2rd, 1998 (french)
France 3, March 26th, 1998 (Télé-Loisir) (french)
L'agriculteur Normand, March 12th, 1998 (french)
Journal de Basse-Normandie, September 1996 (french)
Agriculteur Normand, July 4th, 1996 (french)
Ouest-France, July 4th, 1996 (french)
Pays de Normandie, 1996 (french)
La Manche Libre, July 1995 (french)
La Voix Le Bocage, June 2rd, 1995 (french)
Ouest-France, May 31th, 1995 (french)






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